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Monday, October 26, 2015

Soal OSN IPA SD Tahun 2015

Soal OSN IPA SD Tahun 2015 - Soal OSN pada Mata Pelajaran IPA SD Tahun 2015 sebagai berikut yang berhasil kami rangkum.

Soal OSN IPA SD Tahun 2015

Isian singkat (30 Menit)

1.       Jika seseorang terluka dan mengeluarkan darah, darah yang keluar tersebut akan segera membeku. Pada orang-orang tertentu proses pembekuan darah tidak dapat berlangsung. Kelainan ini disebut ….
2.            Running is an activity that causes the cells in the muscular system to use oxygen at a faster rate. Which system responds by delivering more oxygen to these cells ? (choose the right one: digestive, nervous, circulatory, endocrine)
3.            Which of the following conditions tends to increase the size of a population ?
(the right one of the following option)
a. births exceed deaths
b. population size exceeds the carrying capacity
c. movements out of an area exceed movements into the area
d. severe drought
4.            If there were no greenhouse effect in Earth’s atmosphere, which of the following statements would be true ?
a. Earth would be much hotter.
b. Earth would be much colder.
c. The temperature of Earth would be the same.
d. The polar ice caps would melt.
5.            Organism that depend on autotrophs as their sources of nutrients and energy are ….
6.            Kelompok makhluk berbeda dan tinggal bersama dalam suatu lingkungan tertentu disebut ….
7.            Jahe, laos, kencur menyimpan cadangan makanan di dalam organ ….
8.            Tumbuhan putri malu menanggapi rangsang berupa getaran atau sentuhan dengan cara ….
9.            Paus adalah mamalia air yang bernapas dengan ….
10.        A symbiotic relationship in which one organism derives benefit at expense of the other is called ....

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