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Monday, December 15, 2014

Bahasa Inggris UAS I Kelas 6 SD Semester 1 TA 2014/2014

Bahasa Inggris UAS I Kelas 6 SD Semester 1 TA 2014/2014

Active    : Tom doesn’t drink coffee every morning.
Passive    : 
Coffee is not drunk by Tom every morning
Coffee is not being drunk by Tom every morning
Coffee has not been drunk by Tom every morning
Coffee will not be drunk by Tom every morning

Active    : Alex opened the door.
Passive    :
The door were opened by Alex
The door has been opened by Alex
The door have been opened by Alex
The door was opened by Alex 
Active    :
Passive    : The small village was destroyed by a hurricane.
A hurricane destroy the small village
A hurricane destroys the small village
A hurricane is destroying the small village
A hurricane destroyed the small village

Active    : 
Passive    : The new highway will be completed by the contractor in July.
The contractor will be completed the new highway in July
The contractor will completed the new highway in July
The contractor will be completing the new highway in July
The contractor will complete the new highway in July

Active    : Zidane scored the winning goal.
Passive    :
The winning goal is scored by Zidane
The winning goal are scored by Zidane
The winning goal was scored by Zidane 
The winning goal will be scored by Zidane

Active    : The man speaks English everyday
Passive    : 
English has been spoken by the man everyday
English was spoken by the man everyday
English is spoken by the man everyday 
English were spoken by the man everyday

Can time heal the sadness? The passive form of the sentence is:
Can the sadness heal by time?    c. Can the sadness be healed by time? 
Can the sadness healed by time    d. Can the sadness be heal by time?

I ………. if I don’t have the razor. 
will not shaved            c. will not shaving
will not shave                d. will not shaves

If you …………… the telephone, you would never have heard the good news. 
do not answer                c. had not answered
did not answer                d. had not answer

You will get wet if it …….
rain                    c. raining
rained                    d. rains

If she only knew that he is crazy for her, she …………….
will understand            c. would understand 
would understood            d. will understood

I would have screamed as loud as I could if I …………… the power. 
Had                    c. have had 
Has had                d. had had

Chester said, “I become so numb.”
Chester said that ……………..
he becomes so numb            c. he became so numb 
he had become so numb        d. he was becoming so numb

Robbie says, “I want to feel real love.”
Robbie says that …………… 
he wants to feel real love        c. he wanted to feel real love
he want to feel real love        d. he had wanted to feel real love

He told me, “She will cook dinner tonight.”
He told me that …………..
she would cook dinner that night 
she will cook dinner tonight        
she would cooked dinner that night
she will cook  dinner that night

Hillary Duff asked him. “Haven’t you heard that I am going to be ok?” 
Hillary Duff asked him …………
if he hadn’t heard that she is going to be ok. 
if he hasn’t heard that she is going to be ok. 
if he hadn’t heard that she was going to be ok 
if he hasn’t heard that she was going to be ok. 

Black Eyed Peas ask, “Where is the love?”
Black Eyed Peas ask ……………
where the love is            c. where is the love
where the love was            d. where was the love

Oneng told Bajuri, “Don’t forget to send me SMS!”
Oneng told Bajuri ……………….
not to forget to send her SMS        c. to don’t  forget to send her SMS
to not to forget to send her SMS        d. to not forget to send her SMS

My parent reminds me. “Be patient in life!”
My parent reminds me ……………
to been patient in life            c. to being patient in life
be patient in life            d. to be patient in life
She asked us. “Did you see the concert?”
She asked us ……………………..
if we see the concert            c. if we had seen the concert
if we saw the concert            d. if we have seen the concert

He wondered, “Where can my baby be?”
He wondered …………..
where could his baby be        c. where his baby can be 
where can his baby be            d. where his baby could be

Bon Jovi say, “Keep the faith?”
Bon Jovi say ……………
to keeping the faith            c. to keep the faith
to kept the faith            d. keep the faith

He drove the car ……………..
careless                c. carelessness 
    care                    d. carelessly 

The baby sleeps ……. . The baby is so beautiful. 
soundly                c. sounded
soundness                d. sound

They will make ………… announcement about their new invention. 
public                    c. publicly
publicity                d. publican

I made many …….. answers which made me get bad score. 
wrong                    c. wrongness
wrongly                d. wrongnessly

Adhe sings Iwa K’s songs …………………
excitement                c. exciting
excited                    d. excitedly

English is the language which is spoken …………….. 
internal                c. internationally
international                d. intern

He will cherish her as someone who is very ………. in his heart.  
specialist                c. specialty
specially                d. special

She talked to me …………..
anger                    c. angrily 
angry                    d. angerly
There are …………… ways to go to Rome. 
Variously                c. variety
various                    d. vary

I still can remember her ………. smile. 
warmly                c. warmness
warm                    d. warmnessly

Dik Doang is ………… than Ucok Baba. 
high                    c. taller
higher                    d. tall

Shizuka can sing ………… than Giant. (From the movie Doraemon)
the best                c. the better
good                    d. better

He speaks English …………. Tisna. 
fluently than                c. more fluently
fluentlier than                 d. more fluently than

If you can type ……….. she, you must be a very good typist. 
as quicker as                c. as quicker than
as quickly than            d. as quickly as 

From Jakarta, the distance to Bandung is …………. than to Bogor. 
farthest                    c. far
furthest                d. further

From Depok, it is ……………. to go to Kota by train than by bus. 
faster                    c. fast
fastest                    d. the fastest

Mila is ………………. Suci. Both of them are 40 years old. 
as old as                c. younger than
older than                d. the youngest

The island of Sumatra is …………….. than Java. 
larger                    c. higher
smaller                    d. taller

Saturday, December 13, 2014


  1. Tanda yang tepat untuk mengisi pertidaksamaan 3/4 . . . 3/6 adalah . . .
  2. Tiga bilangan pecahan sebelum 6/9 adalah . . .
  3. Pada pecahan 5/10, maka angka 5 disebut . . .
  4. Jerum pendek ke angka 3 dan jarum panjang ke angka 12 maka akan membentuk sudut . . . derajat
  5. Sudut seperempat putaran besarnya adalah . . .
  6. Sebuah meja berbentuk persegi panjang dengan panjang 95 cm dan lebar 63 cm, maka keliling meja itu adalah . . .
  7. luas untuk mencari keliling persegi panjang adalah . . .
  8. 2/7 + 4/7 = n, maka nilai n adalah . . .
  9. Urutan bilangan 4/7, 3/7, 7/7, 9/7, 6/7 dari yang terbesar adalah . . .
  10. Tiga bilangan pecahan sesudah 3/8 adalah . . .
  11. Bagun datar segi tiga yang ketiga sisinya tidak ada yang sama panjang adalah . . .
  12. Besar sudut pada segitiga siku siku adalah . . .
  13. Penjumlahan dari sisi-sisinya yang sama panjang disebut. . .
  14. Siti mempunyai sebuah buku tulis yang berukuran panjang 21 cm dan lebar 15 cm. Maka luas dari buku tulis tersebut adalah . . .
  15. Sebuh persegi memliki luas 64 cm2. Maka panjang sisi-sisinya adalah . . .


II. Soal UAS Matematika Kelas 3 SD semester 2 Tipe Essay!

  1. Gambarlah segitiga sama sisi yang panjang sisinya adalah 5 cm !
  2. Bibi mempunyai tepung sebanyak 4/10 kg. Kemudian ia membeli lagi 5/10 kg tepung. Sebanyak 6/10 kg digunakan untuk membuat kue. berapa kg tepung lagi yang masih tersisa ?
  3. Buatlah dan gambarkan garis bilangan yang menunjukan bilangan antara 0 sampai dengan 8/8 !
  4. Berapakah besar masing masing sudut pada bangun persegi ?
  5. Sebuah persegi mempunyai sisi 16 m. Tentukan a). keliling bangun tersebut. b). luas bangun tersebut !

III. Isilah titik-titik berikut ini dengan benar!

  1. Lambang bilangan dari lima ribu tujuh ratus limapuluh adalah ....
  2. Nama bilangan dari 3.725 adalah ....
  3. 6 Kg + 9 ons = ....
  4. 8 ribuan + 3 ratusan + 3 satuan = ....
  5. Harga barang Rp.6.550,00; dibayar dengan empat lembar uang dua ribuan  maka kembalianya adalah ....
  6. 1 Km = .... m
  7. (42 + 58):25 = ....
  8. 88 + 40 -40 = ....
  9. 5 Kg + 15 ons = ...
  10. Hasil dari 120:40 x 5 = ....

Friday, November 21, 2014



I.     Kerjakan soal-soal berikut!
·         Pergi ke kota membeli duku
·         Tidak lupa membeli durian
·         Menjaga hutan tanggung jawabku
·         Agar tidak terjadi penggundulan hutan
1.      Sampiran pada pantun di atas ditunjukkan oleh nomor….
    A. 1 dan 3
    B. 2 dan 4
    C. 1 dan 2
    D. 3 dan 4

2.      Syair memiliki sajak….
    A. a-a-a-a
    B. a-b-a-b
    C. a-b-c-d
    D. a-b-b-a

3.      Kata syair berasal dari bahasa….yang berarti…

4.       Penambangan liar merusak lingkungan karena…
    A. menjadikan hewan cepat punah
    B. menghabiskan sumber daya minyak
    C. menimbulkan bahaya longsor
    D. menyebabkan kebakaran hutan
5.      Kabut asap disebabkan oleh…
6.      Contoh dua factor penyebab perubahan lingkungan adalah….
7.      Orang yang membuat ilustrasi dapat disebut sebagai…
 A. konduktor
    B. sutradara
    C. komposer
    D. ilustrator
8.       Untuk menggambar ilustrasi, perlu diperhatikan….
    A. komposisi dan deposisi
    B. proporsi dan komposisi
    C. aktualisasi dan komunikasi
    D. proporsi dan aktualisasi

9.      Jelaskan pengertian proporsi dan komposisi

10.  3,2 + 4,5 - 2=….

11.  1 
12.  3 x

13.  Kesenian wayang golek berasal dari daerah….
    A. Jawa Timur   
    B. Jawa Tengah
    C. Jawa Barat
    D. DKI Jakarta

14.  Sandang, pangan dan papan merupakan kebutuhan pokok…
    A. primer
    B. sekunder
    C. tersier
    D. kuarter

15.  Jelaskan cara untuk melestarikan kebudayaan daerah di Indonesia!


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